Some recent family news ...
1. Cousin Lauren is heading to South Korea in the next month or so to teach English to 6-13-year-olds as part of the TEFL program.
2. Chad & Eva had their daughter, Brooklynn this past Saturday. Congratulations!
3. Laura and Blair survived the recent hurricanes without much drama in Louisiana. Now if they can just keep their dog and cat from killing each other, they'll be good to go.
4. 71 days and counting until Don Frank retires. Hallelujah!
5. Aster is still cute. Even when he's wet, tired and covered in river mud.
3. Laura and Blair survived the recent hurricanes without much drama in Louisiana. Now if they can just keep their dog and cat from killing each other, they'll be good to go.
4. 71 days and counting until Don Frank retires. Hallelujah!
5. Aster is still cute. Even when he's wet, tired and covered in river mud.