Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rock & Roll ... suggestions please

Zac's band is currently on tour this week. Right now they're somewhere in Indiana. Where? I dunno...check their Below is a pic they took while hanging out before a show. I'd like to open up the blogosphere for suggestions on what Zac's thought bubble (caption) would be for this picture. Please respond. You'll make my day. The winner's caption will be photoshop-ed in and reposted at a later date.


LeAnna said...

i have no witty comments, but I think it would be a good album cover!

Sarah said...

Here's one...
"I have the biggest smile because I have the most hair"
"I wonder how far I can get my hand up his leg before he stops laughing"

Love you all

Sarah said...

how about
"I have the biggest smile cause I have the most hair"
"I wonder how far I can get my hand up his leg before he stops laughing"

Love you all have a great day

JACK said...

hu hu....Can you guys smell that?

Unknown said...

"This one time, at band camp..."