Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Babies, babies everywhere! No, I it's not making me want to have one now, but it's really making me look forward to having one in the future. (all my friends and family who constantly tease me about having babies, I can hear you thinking right now.) So anyway, two of my friends have recently had babies in the past two weeks, and one more any day now. What an exciting time!

Also, three of my cousins-in-law (who are all married to three brothers) are also pregnant at the same time. How ironic and awesome!

My friend Jenn P is due in a few months (that one makes me feel like a real grown up because she's my age!) Another friend is having her first later this year. And...there is one more secret pregnancy that I'm not sure is public knowledge yet, so I can't say. Whew - exciting!

This past weekend we took dinner over to our friends who recently had their second son. Ten days old and such a little cutie! Side note - Zac held little Evan like a champ - he's gonna be a great dad!

But with all these babies around, I'm more than happy to wait my turn. And, being an aunt or "aunt" is way cool, too.

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