Saturday, July 26, 2008

1/2 Fridays - yeah!

We're doing a summer flex-time test at work. Meaning, I come in an hour earlier Monday-Thursday so I only have to work 1/2-day on Friday. I'm a morning person, so not a bad deal. So far so good. This Friday afternoon, my parents were also off work too, so they drove up and met me in Akron. We got lunch at Swensons (yum!) and took it to the Gorge.  As Gorge-first-timers, they were impressed with it's coolness. And of course, my 1/2-day was also used spending some quality time with my doggie. It's also no secret that my parents are big softies when it comes to "gran-puppy." 

Mom, me and Aster under on of the big rock outcroppings.
Aster loves hiking as much as we do.
Don Frank, the big softie. 


LeAnna said...

How cute! I can't believe how much your puppy has grown! Sorry you guys couldn't come to Mohican, it was a good time - you missed Emily and Rick flipping their canoe!

Sarah said...

Holy crap I blogged. Now we have internet at the house so it won't be so long in btwn posts.

Sarah said...

Okay so if you get two of these it's cause I never comment on these things and don't know how...
Wonder of wonders I posted a blog. Internet at the house now so lots more to come.