Friday, October 24, 2008

Top 10

Top 10 reasons to have a dog
10.) Unlike kids, they don't talk back
9.) When you come home after a long, maybe bad day, doggie is always excited to see you
8.) They make us get off our butts and take walks
7.) They cock their heads and look at you like, "what the F are you talking about crazy person?"
6.) Doggies don't care if you walk around the house naked (I honestly don't think they notice)
5.) They make that noise between a bark, a yawn, and a whine when they want your attention, it is so cute
4.) When you throw something, they bring it back. Husbands don't do that.
3.) They're smart and can truly understand what we are saying..."cookie", "do your business", etc
2.) Doggie kisses
1.) Doggies love their people no matter what - and that feels awesome


Stephanie Jabbour said...

nice doggie list, but kids are better. ;-) they give hugs and can say "i love you." LOL

hixenhill said...

Dogs are pretty cool, I guess. But that whine sound is not so cute when repeated over and over at 3:45 a.m. :-)