Monday, January 19, 2009

Aster the Disaster

Our dog, although extremely well-behaved and generally not destructive, has had some "puppy moments" in first year of life. A fine example occurred this Sunday when we came home from church to find that he had eaten half of a full bag of Twizzlers Pull-n-Peel. Now, I'm a big fan of candy, so I know where he's coming from, but that's a LOT of heavy sugar for little doggie stomach. He did have a sugar high, and then a pretty big sugar-low but managed through the day just fine. Crazy dog.

But that's not all. Over the past year, he has eaten
- An almost-full bag of yogurt raisins.
- An ant trap (not eaten per say, but fully chewed to oblivion)
- Red Apple-Cinnamon Votive Candle (yes, they come out just as they go in.)
- Frozen poop cookies (no, these are not treats you buy at the store, rather real poop found in the back yard!) Gross.

He's also managed to destroy:
- 2 area rugs and a handful of throw rugs during the house-training and teething stages.
- 1 Novel, 2 magazines and any other piece of paper he can get a hold of
- At least 6 pairs of shoes
- Jackson's Batman-Scooby toy
- Numerous stuffed animals and other dog toys

But how could we possibly be upset when our dog is this cute? And, hey, he's just a puppy. : )

Note: All destruction occurred due to owner's lack of proper doggie proofing, and in no way should be blamed on the puppy.

1 comment:

Stephanie Jabbour said...

and that's why i don't have a dog. ;-)