Thursday, January 8, 2009

Top 10 Things to do when the weather is BLA in Ohio

10. ) Clean the basement, spare room, etc. (you will get a strange sense of accomplishment)
9. ) Weeds Season 3 DVD Marathon (or any other show)
8. ) Dress up like an Eskimo and play with your dog in the backyard
7.) Make soup and/or chili so the warm smell fills the house
6. ) Make a flavored Snow cone (if you dare)
5. ) Burn lots of candles (I seriously think it warms your house)
4. ) Sleep on the couch with lots of blankets
3. ) Buy cool new clothes on the internet and wait for Fedex to deliver
2. ) Bubble bath with lots of bubbles
1. ) Have sexy time (aka practice making babies) under the covers

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