Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ouch, that hurts.

Observation: being a grown-up, sometimes sucks.
Yeah, we can do whatever we want. Stay out as late as we want and all that fun stuff. But ... we also have to pay our bills. Specifically, our completely outrageous heating/gas bill. I know it's been a cold winter and I know we could have a better insulated house, but this past month's Dominion bill blew my mind. Almost $300 dollars for a 1200-sq. foot house. Ouch.
Step 1: Pay the damn bill.
Step 2: Insulate the attic.
Step 3: Close off the sunroom with an energy-efficient door.
Step 4: Set our thermostat a few degrees lower. (Hello wool socks)
Step 5: Install new exterior doors that are better insulated.
Step 6: Cry like a baby because we've just spent our entire tax refund.

Being a grown-up is overrated.

1 comment:

Katie Reed said...

Awe! That sucks. I totally relate.. . Being a Grown-up is overrated! Hey, look at the slumber party picture on my blog again - there are actually two doggies in the bed. All you can see is Sam's tail. He prefers to stay UNDER all the covers so he stays warm! haha!