Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

So sorry I have been a terrible blogger recently. This past weekend we moved into our new house. YEAH! You'd think that after being married for less than two years, we wouldn't yet have accumulated that much stuff - wrong!! Between misc. junk in closets, clothes & shoes, guitar and drum stuff, craft and painting supplies, tools, kitchen, and on and on - we had a lot of stuff! I've purged and organized, but we're still trying to find a place for all of the stuff in the new house. What a task! My new goal is to over time add new furniture that helps cleverly store our belongings.

On another note, we are no longer able to access free wireless internet at the house. booo! You see, at the condo, we turned on the mac and like magic we picked up someone's unprotected wireless signal. No such luck at the new house. So, we're waiting to see what the other bills are like before investing in overly-priced internet access. Plus, we're right down the street from the Stow Library - so we can always go there if necessary.

Finally, I'm working on creating my sister's bridal shower invites. I had a brilliant plan, now I just need to find the time to make it happen. I think I'm going to have to enlist the help of a nice graphic artist friend at work. My photoshop skills are so rusty it aint even funny!

More pics of the house to come. You'll be amazed at the transformation!

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