Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Small blessings

There are people in this world who have the ability to put a smile on our faces no matter how sour our moods may be. Zac and I are super lucky to have two of these. And good things often come in small packages. Yes, I'm talking about my little good, good friends, Jackson and Eli Jabbour.

Maybe it's the fact that they are always happy to see us. "Hey Terrie, where's Zat!?" or "Ish, up!"
Or maybe it's because sometimes Jackson thanks God for "Uncle Zat and Uncle Terrie" during bedtime prayers. (Awe!) Or those times when Eli offers hugs without asking or when they try to make you laugh with silly faces.

Whatever it is that makes these kids so great (and there are a billion reasons) - thank God for small blessings.


Stephanie Jabbour said...

awww... reading this actually made me tear up a bit! jackson and eli really do love you guys! ;-)

scaryhall said...

We know! That's why I was feeling so sentimental too! We love those kids!

Amber said...

Good things come in small packages. :-) Just wait til it is your own little person - your heart just overflows with love!!!! :-)