Monday, March 24, 2008

Our house ... finally!

It's finally official! We're scheduled to sign the last of the papers this Thursday, and transfer on Friday. Yeah!!
So this means that we will be able to get into our house this weekend and begin doing all the things on the long list of things to do before moving in. Oh fun things like install new furnace, dry the place out, wash and clean everything, paint every paintable surface, clean gutters, rake leaves, install garage door opener, light fixtures, seal windows and doors, rip up carpet, and on and on and on...
But we're not complaining - we're actually super-excited to be doing all this. Zac and I have been planning and window shopping for months now, and it will be fun to finally get in, get dirty and make this little house a home!


Stephanie Jabbour said...

yay!!! a new house is very exciting. i am looking forward to getting a look at the inside!

Frank said...

Congrats to you both, now get ready to work your butts off:
Zac - 3 words : Duct Tape.