Monday, March 17, 2008


   A few months ago a friend from work recommended that Zac & I rent the Showtime series Weeds on dvd. So for the past few weeks, every time we'd go to Family Video, we checked to see if it's there. Normally, no luck seeing as there is only one copy of each disc in the store. 
   This weekend we finally got lucky. We were able to rent season 1 (both discs) and the first disc of season 2 for $1 each (5-days).  So all afternoon on Sunday we sat on the couch watching episode after episode because we got sucked in and couldn't stop!!  Seriously this show is one of the best I've watched ... ever. It's got an engaging mix of humor, drama, heart-wrenching truth, and social stigma. In summary: Southern-Cal widow sells weed to support her family and maintain living status. 
  I recommend it to all of my movie-watching friends out there. But one note of caution. If minor language and/or pot humor offends you, this might not be your thing. 

1 comment:

Stephanie Jabbour said...

so, you finally watched this? i remember you guys talking about it. glad you liked it. there's nothing more relaxing than sitting on your butt all day on a sunday and watching the tube! (i'm jealous- i don't get to do that...ever!) LOL